I'm a Realtor, Certified Business Coach, Mentor, Leader, Cheerleader, Wife and Mother. 

hey there,  

I'm Leslie Murr  

and I help people change their lives through real estate. 

And I'm also, 

obsessed with Real Estate, personal growth, HGTV, Elton John, multiple streams of income, digital marketing, and Taco Tuesday. 

You see, it wasn't until recently that I discovered that I could be more than one thing at a time. I spent 24 years in a corporate real estate career that required me to live a life constantly distinguishing between work and home life. 

Until one day I started daydreaming about what it would be like if those lines were not as hard wired. What if they were more fluid and in alignment with the life I would design for myself. 

there was no looking back!
I left the career and the people I loved for more. Today,  I have built a life that is no longer one thing. It's a beautiful blend of all of my passions working together to help people reach their dreams by building wealth through real estate. 

And as the saying goes, 


“Working with Leslie changed everything!”

It's like having a business bestie you can run to with any issue, large or small and tease out the next best move, strategy and step to take for success. I recommend her to everyone! 

— heather E.

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